Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Gelooft in uitmuntendheid van onze service aan onze klanten. In die zin is ons belangrijkste doel om een uitzonderlijke zorg te betuigen aan de vervulling van elke lokale en buitenlandse gast die we hebben.
Wanneer is de beste tijd om naar Hurghada te gaan?
Als u overweegt een Nijlcruise te maken, is het hoogseizoen van december tot februari. Als u kunt reizen in maart – april (met uitzondering van het paasseizoen) of in oktober – november, zijn de dingen minder druk en de temperaturen zijn nog steeds aangenaam. Als je wat wilt gaan duiken of watersporten wilt beoefenen, is het op elk moment echter geweldig; December tot april zijn een koelere maand met vaker voorkomende harde wind en zandstormen.
Is het veilig om naar Hurghada te reizen?
Egyptische mensen blijven heel vriendelijk en vreedzaam tegenover buitenlandse bezoekers. Weinig incidenten van geweld en terroristische activiteiten zijn gemeld in de afgelopen jaren waardoor Egypte veilig is als elke plaats als een vakantiebestemming. Zelfs in de afgelopen jaren met de hogere niveaus van bewustzijn van terroristische activiteiten in het Midden-Oosten zijn agressie-acties niet toegenomen in Egypte, zelfs niet tegen westerse nationaliteiten. we raden u aan contact op te nemen met uw consulaat of ambassade voor eventuele reisadviezen voordat u naar Egypte of een ander land reist.
What type of food is available in Hurghada?
The range of food in Hurghada is very wide and cosmopolitan. Mostly you’ll find dishes are a cross between Middle-Eastern and Mediterranean cuisine. Food is available in large restaurants or from street corner stalls and snack bars. The smaller snack-bars and cafes usually offer a good range of inexpensive lightly-spiced Egyptian food as well as sandwiches, pizzas and French fries. Falafel is a snack made from beans and is available freshly cooked on every street corner. Most major hotels and resorts offer a variety of international cuisine. In addition, the local cuisine includes excellent seafood dishes, pastas and sandwiches. There are also a few major fast-food chains in major cities, including Hurghada. Expect to find just about any type of cuisine with limited menus. A three course meal in a hotel will cost anything from about 75 Egyptian pounds and upwards, whereas you can get a three course meal in a local cafe for about 35 Egyptian pounds. Western-style fast food restaurants, including places like McDonald’s and KFC are a common sight in major Hurghada.
Hoe moet ik me kleden wanneer ik in Hurghada reis?
Hurghada is een conservatief islamitisch land en bezoekers moeten proberen hun gebruiken te respecteren. In de warmere maanden is losse katoenen kleding het comfortabelste om te dragen voor zowel mannen als vrouwen. Als u gemakkelijk verbrandt, is het verstandig om alle blootgestelde huid te bedekken wanneer u in de zon bent. Een hoed of sjaal om je hoofd te bedekken is essentieel om je te beschermen tegen de felle hitte om een zonnesteek te voorkomen. Comfortabele schoenen zijn ook een must. In de winter worden de avonden ineens erg koud in vergelijking met de warme dagen. Het is aan te raden warme kleding in de buitenlucht te dragen in de avond tussen oktober en maart, en misschien zelfs lichte regenkleding voor Caïro en het noorden. Probeer in gedachten te houden dat je niet naar een andere planeet komt dan Egypte, met haar duizendjarige geschiedenis en cultuur. Gebruik gezond verstand en logica, u zult veel meer van uw bezoek genieten!
What type of phone services is available in Hurghada?
Telephone service is available everywhere in Hurghada and mobile phones are the standard. The country code for Egypt is +20. To dial an international phone number (from a mobile phone) inside Egypt you need to put the + sign in front of the country code. If you plan to use landlines in the hotels or phone booths we suggest you use phone cards it is much cheaper. You buy phone cards at the main telephone offices, mobile phone shops and local super markets. Internet cafes are everywhere in Hurghada. DSL and wifi services are common so making free calls (computer to computer) is possible.
Can I send post cards home from inside hurghada?
Yes, general postal offices can be found in different area in Hurghada . Normal operating hours are 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. hours daily except for Fridays. Posting mail in hotels avoids the pilgrimage to the post office and stamps are readily available in the hotel shops. International express mail systems like EMS, DHL, Federal Express and other courier services are also available
Is Ramadan een goed moment om Hurghada te bezoeken?
Sommige reizigers willen misschien vermijden om tijdens Ramadan naar Hurghada te reizen; de heilige maand voor moslims die elk jaar verandert. Dit komt voornamelijk doordat alcohol niet wordt gebruikt door moslims in deze maand en de normale openingstijden voor restaurants, lokale bedrijven en overheidsinstellingen korter of zelfs gesloten zijn tijdens de ramadan. Een ander nadeel van deze tijd is dat alle toeristische sites meestal minstens twee uur eerder dan gebruikelijk sluiten, waardoor er een kortere bezoektijd is. Mensen die vasten in Ramadan zijn overdag traag maar erg actief nadat ze hun vasten hebben verbroken. Aan de andere kant, Ramadan is een heerlijke maand in Egypte; het is een viering van een maand. ‘S Nachts zijn de meeste coffeeshops laat open en staan er mensen tot de vroege ochtenduren wakker. Het is de tijd dat het Egyptische volk nooit in slaap valt en de tijd dat iedereen ‘s nachts naar buiten gaat om te socialiseren.
What languages are spoken in Hurghada?
Arabic is the official language in Hurghada however; Egyptians speak a different dialect from other Arab countries. This is usually understood but there is a colloquial dialect or street Arabic which varies throughout Egypt. The dialect between Cairo (Lower Egypt) and Luxor (Upper Egypt) is very noticeably different. Most Egyptians working with tourists understand and speak at least English but usually two or three other foreign languages. In popular areas for tourism children as young as two years old know how to say welcome to Egypt, what’s your name, baksheesh (tips); give me money/cigarettes/candy in many languages. Children are taught in schools to speak foreign languages and most love to practice their language skills with tourists.
Als ik naar Hurghada wil reizen, welke reisdocumenten heb ik dan nodig?
U hebt een geldig retour- of doorvliegkaartje, paspoort en toeristenvisum nodig. Uw paspoort moet minstens 6 maanden geldig zijn vanaf de datum van binnenkomst in Egypte. De meeste nationaliteiten kunnen hun toeristenvisum kopen bij aankomst op de luchthaven, maar sommige nationaliteiten moeten een visum voor aankomst hebben om Egypte binnen te komen. We adviseren iedereen die van plan is om Egypte te bezoeken om contact op te nemen met het Egyptische consulaat bij u in de buurt voor volledige informatie. De huidige vergoeding is $ 25 voor toeristenvisa afgegeven op internationale luchthavens; de kosten kunnen variëren afhankelijk van uw nationaliteit
Met wie moet ik contact opnemen als ik problemen heb in Hurghada?
Wij staan 24 uur per dag, 7 dagen per week voor u klaar, de hele tijd dat u in Hurghada bent. Probeer geen grote problemen op te lossen zonder onze hulp en als u problemen ondervindt, wacht dan niet tot u naar huis terugkeert om ons op de hoogte te stellen, want we kunnen nog veel meer doen als u hier bent. Zeer zelden gebeurt dit, maar alleen als het eerste wat u moet doen, is om zo snel mogelijk contact met ons op te nemen voor assistentie. We zullen u al onze contactgegevens verstrekken voordat u aankomt, zodat u weet wie u moet contacteren mocht u problemen ondervinden.
Are Your Tours Private?
Must of our tours is going with group of multi language but you still have the option to choice a private personal guide with the language you need or transfer or even you can have both option.
Can I customize my tour With The Chosen Tours ?
Always. The client is our number one priority, and though we do frequent a steady list of local businesses who share in our vision of sustainable tourism and environmental soundness, you are able to decide exactly what you wish to do without hassle or worry. the easiest way to customize your tour would be to contact our support and get the professional help.
If I need medical care can I use my medical insurance from home?
Medical treatment in Hurghada can be very expensive so it is important that you have adequate coverage on your medical insurance. Although there are no customs restrictions, if you’re taking prescription medication while abroad it is advisable to have a note from your doctor with you just in case you’re questioned. Medical coverage policies are different with each insurance company. Really, only you know if your insurance will cover medical care while traveling and it is your responsibility to check with your insurance company at home before traveling. If it does not provide adequate coverage for your needs we suggest you consider travel insurance that offers medical coverage before leaving home.
Do I need any immunizations to travel to Hurghada?
No special immunizations or vaccinations are required to travel in Hurghada however; we advise you to check with your own doctor for inoculation requirements. Even though no specific vaccinations are required to travel in Egypt, it is recommended to consult with your physician at least 2 months before departure, and to have your Tetanus, Diphtheria, Polio, Typhoid and Hepatitis A and B immunizations up to date.
Is there anything I should be aware of regarding health matters?
Something many travelers do not think much about is mosquitoes. They can also be a problem in Hurghada especially in the summer and fall months. If you’re prone to insect bites you should use a good insect repellent on all exposed areas of skin, especially in the evenings. Insect repellent is readily available in Egyptian pharmacies but it may not work well for you so you may want to take your own from home. The Nile River inhibits a special snail which carries a parasite called Bilharzias or Shistostoma and they are commonly found in shallow water near the banks or in the canals. These creatures can cause serious illness if transmitted to humans so avoid bathing in or drinking from the river.
What medical facilities are available in Hurghada?
There are several hospitals in Hurghada that provide various levels of services from minor outpatient care to more serious problems including surgical procedures. Most medical facilities are adequate for most minor problems, including diving related emergencies in the hospitals in the Red Sea resorts. In case of medical emergencies there are modern well-equipped hospitals in all major cities in and resorts where tourists frequent. Pharmacies are on every corner in every city throughout Hurghada.
Should I bring any medical supplies or a first aid kit with me?
Any time you travel you should always take a sufficient supply of any prescription medications you are taking, and it is wise to take a few first aid supplies with you for minor problems. When traveling to Egypt you may also want to bring a diarrhea remedy such as Imodium in your first-aid kit but in most cases the Egyptian remedies work much better and are much less expensive. The major reason for sicknesses is travelers who are not used to the heat simply do not drink enough water-fluids to replace what they lost. It is suggested that you drink around 6 liters of water per day as a good preventative. Alcohol and drinks with caffeine are also dehydrating and not suitable as a replacement for water. The general rule of thumb is that if you do not urinate frequently or it is very yellow then you’re not drinking enough water.
What areas of Hurghada do you offer diving?
We offer diving in Hurghada more then 20 different locations for diving our boat captain choose in the morning up to the weather condition but for sure will have excellent diving and snorkeling
Can I bring my children on the boat when I go diving?
Children are also welcome on our diving boats however; it is the parent’s responsibility to supervise and control their children at all times. We don’t recommend taking infant children because of their special needs and the comfort of the other guests. If in doubt contact us for advice or suggestions.
Can my non-diving travel companion join me on your diving boat?
Yes, our daily diving boats are designed to accommodate divers and non-divers. Many reefs are very near the surface and offer excellent diving and snorkeling conditions. Any time boat are moored and the engines are turned off snorkelers can enter the water and start snorkeling. Some divers even snorkel between dives
Do you go to different dive sites each day?
Weather pending, we visit two different dive sites each day and only on special requests re-visit the same site more than twice in the same week. If you dive with us for 5 days or less you’re most likely not going to visit the same dive site in the period.
How many divers are on your boat each day?
The average is between 10 to 25 persons which may be all divers or a combination of divers and snorkelers and for every 3 to 5 persons have dive guides
How many dives can I make each day on your daily diving boat?
Our standard daily diving packages include 2 dives each day; 1 morning dive and 1 afternoon dive following lunch and a short surface interval. It’s possible to make 3 dives for an additional cost.
I have special meal requirements ?
We’re happy to accommodate special meal requirements – vegetarian, low salt or non-dairy meals. We ask that you tell us at least one day in advance about your special meal requirements so we can prepare accordingly to meet your special needs.
If I want a package do I have to dive every day consecutively?
It doesn’t matter what daily diving package you choose, you can decide what days you want to dive so you can set your own diving schedule that best suits you. We only need one day advance notice to make the necessary arrangements.
I'm not sure diving is for me - can I try it before I decide?
If you’re not sure diving is right for you we strongly suggest you experience first before committing to a certifying course. One of the best ways to do this is through our Discover Scuba Diving (DSD) program. With less than an hour of training you’ll be ready to experience breathing underwater using scuba gear. For complete details on our Discover Scuba Diving program contact us.
What is included in a typical lunch?
Typically buffet style lunches are prepared daily by the cook. Lunches normally include meat, chicken or fish, a salad, hot vegetable and pasta, rice or potatoes and a soft drink.
What is the water temperature in Hurghada?
Yes, in some places and sometimes there are strong currents however, these places are rare and often predictable. In some places such as the Thistledown wreck, you count on currents be present but depending on the time of day you dive this area will depend on the current strength, anywhere from mild up to moderately strong. Our dive guides are very experience and will escort you on dives with currents.
What type of wetsuit should I use?
We highly recommend you wear a 3mm – 5mm suit during the warmer months (May through October) and 7mm – dry suit during the cooler months (November through April). Two piece suits (farmer john style) are most suitable.
Do I need a health certificate from my doctor for diving courses?
A health certificate from a doctor isn’t required to participate in a diving course however; you must be in good health. If you have any pre-existing medical condition it will be necessary for you to have a statement from a diving doctor that states you have no known medical condition that is incompatible with scuba diving activities. If you have any doubts about any medical issues contact us and we’ll send you a copy of the PADI Medical Statement form that outlines medical requirements for safe diving.
Where is the nearest hyper baric chamber?
There are several full service hyper bardic chambers located in at every major of diving area. All these facilities are fully staffed with professional medical teams and prepared to manage diving related accidents.
How much will it cost if I need to use the hyper baric chamber?
The cost to use a hyper bardic chamber can be very expensive depending on the seriousness of your condition, how much treatment you need and how many hours you need to stay in the chamber. The hyper bardic chambers in the Red Sea do offer special coverage to use their facilities at a very low cost, around 10 Euros per person. The coverage is not insurance but does allow you to be treated in any facility for an unlimited amount of time.
Are children entitled to any discounts?
With most Trips, domestic flights, ground transportation, Nile cruises and entrance fees for sightseeing tours, children 12 years old or less are entitled to discounts. Sometimes in high seasons children discounts are invalid. Any time children are entitled to discounted rates, we will inform you.
Can I choose specific travel services I want from your company?
We offer a full range of travel services inside Egypt, including Red Sea diving and liveaboard services. You can book a fully personalized VIP holiday package with us or let us make reservations only for specific travel services such as domestic flights, diving, snorkeling, Nile River cruises, sightseeing tours, hotel accommodations, ground transfers, desert safaris, mountain trekking or a combination of the above travel services you need.
Can students get discounts on travel services in Hurghada?
In order to receive student discounts, an International Student Identification Card (ISIC) must be presented. If you’re a student, you can get many discounts as an ISIC holder, including half-price entrance to most archaeological sites and museums. You may also get discounts on rail and air travel, in some hotels, restaurants and even some local merchants. Valid in 85 countries throughout the world, the benefits of an ISIC card are well worth the cost which is about $15 US dollars. If you’re no longer a full-time student but are under 26 years old you may qualify for an International Youth Travel Card (IYTC), which offers similar benefits. Alternately, if you’re a full-time teacher the International Teacher Identity Card (ITIC) may be best for you. In Egypt, you can obtain any one of these cards from the Cairo office of the Egyptian Student Travel Services. Their office is located in El-Roda, directly above the National Bank of Egypt, two blocks south of El-Roda Square, near the el-Giza bridge. It is within walking distance from El-Malek-El-Saleh metro station. There’s another issuing office at the Campus of the AUC just off Tahrir Square. The address for the main office in Cairo is: Egyptian Student Travel Services – Headquarters El-Mamalek Square – 23 El-Manial Street El-Roda, Cairo Telephone: +20 2 53 10330
How do I get to Hurghada ?
From most European countries, the best way to get to Hurghada is via a direct charter flight. If you’re in Cairo and want to transfer to Hurghada you can take a modern public bus, a domestic flight or private transfer by our mini-bus. Trains are not available between Cairo or Luxor and Hurghada. The only option to transfer between Luxor and Red sea cities is public bus or private transfers by our mini-bus.
Is it okay to travel with children in Egypt?
Absolutely, however special care for infants and smaller children should be taken into account. In the summer months it can get very hot in Egypt and the sun rays are very strong year round. They must be protected from the sun at all times. When making hotel reservations or Nile cruises, be sure to consider your sleeping arrangements. Be sure also to select appropriate activities that are suitable for children; avoid long trips in the deserts, take special care with meal preparation (avoid contact with local water for their food) and if you plan to visit the Red Sea for water activities take additional care for their safety in and around the water. The best advice we can offer is to use common sense when traveling with children and bring along a good supply of not so easy to find items
Can you assist me with flight reservations?
Yes, we can reserve international and domestic flights for our clients. There are many low-cost charter flights that provide services from many European countries to Egypt so it is a good idea to check around before you confirm your flight reservations. If you are coming to the Hurghada for a beach holiday.
What other important papers do I need to travel in Hurghada?
To participate in any diving activities with us we require all divers to show us their diving certification card, it must be from a recognized certifying agency and proof of logged dives. Although we don’t require you to present a health statement from your doctor, we highly recommend you carry one when you travel to Egypt. In the unlikely event of an emergency, it may be helpful for medical treatment especially if you have a per-existing medical condition or have serious allergies.
What should I know about airport customs in Hurghada?
Passing through customs at International airports in Hurghada is conventional. When you arrive at the airport the first thing you must do is present your passport and visa to a passport control officer. After passport control, you continue to the baggage claim area to pick up your luggage. Once you have your luggage, you must clear customs before exiting the airport. To re-enter the airport you must have your passport and boarding ticket.
When I arrive to Hurghada how do I get to my hotel?
If you booked your holiday with us, complementary round trip transfers from the airport to your hotel are always included unless otherwise stated.
Are there ATM's in Hurghada if I need to get cash?
ATM’s are common and easy to find anywhere in Hurghada, especially in city center. ATM’s accept major credit cards and debit cards for cash advances. They usually dispense cash in the local currency – Egyptian pounds. If you plan to use ATMs we suggest you check with your bank at home about your daily withdrawal limits before you leave.
Are there other currency exchange offices in Hurghada?
Yes, and you usually get a better exchange rate in some of the exchange offices in major hotels. Some hotels even have exchange machines which take cash or credit cards. Major credit cards, i.e. MasterCard or Visa, and even debit cards can be used for cash advances in banks, ATM’s and for purchases in stores and restaurants.
Can I use credit or debit cards for purchases or cash advances?
Most major credit cards (MasterCard and Visa) are accepted in most restaurants, merchant stores and hotels. Debit cards are also accepted in some places.
Can I use other currency, besides Egyptian pounds, for purchases in Hurghada?
In most cases yes, any foreign currency is accepted in most everywhere in Hurghada. Most common foreign currencies used are US dollars and Euros.
Do I have to pay custom duty taxes on any personal items I bring with me?
All items you bring with you for personal use are exempt from duty taxes however, most electronic equipment including notebook computers and video cameras must be declared upon arrival and may be listed on a declaration form by a customs official who will retain the original and give you the copy. Keep this safe with the rest of your travel documents in case you need it when you depart.
How much cash should I carry with me and in what currency?
For daily carry around cash, you can usually get by with $25 – $50 US dollars in your pocket. US dollars and Euros is the preferred currency and of course Egyptian pounds. We suggest you carry a couple hundred Egyptian pounds in smaller notes with you at all times for small purchases or tips.
Are there extra fees to use credit cards?
We suggest any time you want to use a credit card, first ask about any extra commission or fees. In some cases you may have to pay 3 – 5% on the total purchase if you use a credit card.
What are the normal operating hours for banks in Hurghada?
As a general rule, banks are open from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday. all banks are closed on Fridays, Saturdays and official holidays.